Last Updated on December 28, 2021 by
Even though the entire luxury, freshness and greenery of your lawn are hinged on watering, photosynthesis is another factor to be considered. Yes, you might be watering your lawn sufficiently, but it could get frustrating to still have a dry and yellowish appearance.
Do you want to know the reason? You are watering rightly but at the wrong time of the day. That’s the chief causal factor of your problem up there.
When the sunny days have really come to stay in mid-year, watering your lawn becomes more challenging than usual. Thus, you need to water it at a strategic time of the day if you want your lawn to retain its usual lush glory and not be a shadow of itself.
That is why in this article today, we’ll be bringing to your knowledge or perhaps enlighten you on the best time of the day to water your lawn, to what extent you should water, the watering frequency and other precautions to follow.
If you are ready, let’s begin pronto.
Best Time Of The Day To Water Is In The Morning.
Its dawn, the sun is just rising eastwards and is yet to set, get up, grab your watering can and water your lawn. That’s by far, the most ideal time of the day to get your greenery moistened and freshened.
Why Is the Morning Such an Ideal Time for Watering?
Before mid-day, evaporation is kept at a minimal or even negligible rate due to lowered temperatures and land breezes. Given that evaporation is heightened by the scorching heat of the sun when it attains its zenith at mid-day, when you water at mid-day, the water evaporates quickly from the soil back into the clouds, even before your lawn barely has the time to gulp what it just received.
Also, watering in the morning helps the lawn maintain lower temperatures when the sun is at its peak. It helps them absorb all the moisture they can and not contend for it with the sun via evaporation.
What if I can’t water in the morning?
There’s an alternative. You can water in the evening when the sun’s energy is gradually dwindling and twilight is approaching. During this time of the day, the sea breeze will blow gradually and humidity will get optimal.
During this time, the plant will be able to soak up enough water because there will be no sunshine just like the dawn.
But there’s a risk associated with watering at sunset. The plant in the absence of sun retains the moisture all night long and this makes it vulnerable to disease attack. Also, it can stir up the growth of plant fungi and other lethal diseases.
What More
So yeah, you’ve learned that the dawns offer a perfect timing to liquefy your plants and expect radiant results which will be reflected in their lush appearance. But, is that all there is to it? No way! There are other things you need to learn about as I promised in the prelude to the fielding of the question of timing when watering your lovely lawn.
Depth of the Watering
The average depth of a turf root system is pegged at 6 inches. If your watering stopped at 3 inches, it will become one hectic task done in futility. As such, ensure that the water gets to the roots of the plant.
If a plant’s root is unhealthy, the entire plant will be unhealthy. The leaves will tell of it and if it’s a fruity plant, the fruits will also tell highly of it. A perfect way to measure if the water had affected the lives of the roots beneath, is to use a rod-like metal that’s six inches long.
Pierce it into the soil, allowing the earth to consume its full length. If you experienced some obstructions, then the earth is still compact and needs more watering. A fully watered soil which translates to a watered root, will have no hitches taking the full length of a six inches metal.
Watering Frequency
This should answer the question of “how often should I water my lawn?” Even though the idea of watering daily might seem too ideal, after all, water is life and that’s the most paramount thing, ironically, watering daily might cause the soil to be too loose, succinctly giving birth to a shallow root system.
Shallow roots are susceptible to being washed away by a flood and other extreme climatic conditions. They also dry out fast and thus bring to the untimely end of the grasses. Thus, watering incessantly can also expose the plant to diseases due to over retention of moisture.
So, it is best to water your lawn at least thrice a week, depending on how humid the weather is for the former and how sunny it is for the latter. This watering frequency can enable the turf to take to root downwards, and stay strong for unfriendly weather conditions.
Precautions When Watering
Go Easy on Young Lawns
For younger lawns, don’t go too hard on them when watering, as this might root up their seeds and cause them to disperse. These lawns are young and feeble, they need to be tendered mildly. Thus, go easy on them with the waters until they are firmly established.
The intensity of water hitting your lawns is dependent on the type of sprinkler you are using. Oscillating sprinklers are recommended for young lawns because they reduce the streams of water hitting the grasses. After they’ve bloomed into maturity, you can then use pulsating or impact sprinklers for a more reinforced watering system which they can face with ease. One important factor to consider is how much water your lawn needs. In general, there is a best time of day to water depending on the type of grass that you have. Cool season grasses, such as bluegrass and fescue, should be watered at night. Warm season grasses, such as Bermuda or zoysia, can tolerate being watered in the morning or evening. To determine how much water your lawn needs, you can use a soil moisture meter to test the moisture level in your soil. Once you know how much water your lawn needs, you can then begin to think about what time of day best suits your schedule and watering needs. Another thing to keep in mind when deciding when to water your lawn is the weather. If it is hot and sunny, it is best to water in the morning or evening when it is cooler. If it is raining, you don't need to water your lawn. It is bad to water your lawn at night because the water will not be able to evaporate as quickly, and this can lead to fungal growth or mildew. Additionally, watering your lawn at night can cause the soil to become soggy and compacted, which can inhibit root growth. The best time of day to water your lawn is in the morning, when the sun is up and the temperatures are cooler. This will allow the water to evaporate quickly and help your lawn stay healthy. If you must water your lawn at night, make sure to do it early enough so that the water has a chance to dry before the sun goes down. You should also be using a sprinkler that emits larger drops of water, as this will allow the water to evaporate more quickly. It is best to water your grass in the morning. This best time to water lawn helps prevent disease because it allows the grass blades to dry out before nightfall, when dew forms. If you water at night, dew keeps the blades of grass wet for hours and this can allow fungal diseases like blight or rust to form on your lawn. When you water your lawn, you should avoid watering too close to the foundation of your house. Water from lawn sprinklers can cause moisture problems on foundations if they are applied too heavily or too frequently. Homes with basements or crawl spaces tend to have a higher risk for this kind of damage. If you notice signs of dampness in these areas, it might be time to reevaluate your watering habits. Watering your lawn can also help control pests like mosquitoes. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so by keeping your lawn well-watered you can help reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard. If you are using a sprinkler system, set the timer to go off twice a day for about 20 minutes each time. If you are using hand watering cans, use them for about five minutes in one spot and then move on.FAQs
What is the best time to turn on sprinklers?
Why is it bad to water your lawn at night?
When should you water your grass in the summer?
How long should I water my lawn for each day?
Be Consistent or Forget it
If you really want to water your turf, then it’s best you do it with both legs in. If you want to leave the watering of your turf at the mercy of rainfall, humidity, dew and every other climatic condition that’s favorable to it, then do it.
They’ll still fare off well but not optimally. However, engaging the grasses in an erratic system of watering can be unhealthy for them. So in this case, you are either in with both legs or you stay out of it completely. There’s no middle ground on this one. One important factor to consider is how much water your lawn needs. In general, there is a best time of day to water depending on the type of grass that you have. Cool season grasses, such as bluegrass and fescue, should be watered at night. Warm season grasses, such as Bermuda or zoysia, can tolerate being watered in the morning or evening. To determine how much water your lawn needs, you can use a soil moisture meter to test the moisture level in your soil. Once you know how much water your lawn needs, you can then begin to think about what time of day best suits your schedule and watering needs. Another thing to keep in mind when deciding when to water your lawn is the weather. If it is hot and sunny, it is best to water in the morning or evening when it is cooler. If it is raining, you don't need to water your lawn. It is bad to water your lawn at night because the water will not be able to evaporate as quickly, and this can lead to fungal growth or mildew. Additionally, watering your lawn at night can cause the soil to become soggy and compacted, which can inhibit root growth. The best time of day to water your lawn is in the morning, when the sun is up and the temperatures are cooler. This will allow the water to evaporate quickly and help your lawn stay healthy. If you must water your lawn at night, make sure to do it early enough so that the water has a chance to dry before the sun goes down. You should also be using a sprinkler that emits larger drops of water, as this will allow the water to evaporate more quickly. It is best to water your grass in the morning. This best time to water lawn helps prevent disease because it allows the grass blades to dry out before nightfall, when dew forms. If you water at night, dew keeps the blades of grass wet for hours and this can allow fungal diseases like blight or rust to form on your lawn. When you water your lawn, you should avoid watering too close to the foundation of your house. Water from lawn sprinklers can cause moisture problems on foundations if they are applied too heavily or too frequently. Homes with basements or crawl spaces tend to have a higher risk for this kind of damage. If you notice signs of dampness in these areas, it might be time to reevaluate your watering habits. Watering your lawn can also help control pests like mosquitoes. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so by keeping your lawn well-watered you can help reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard. If you are using a sprinkler system, set the timer to go off twice a day for about 20 minutes each time. If you are using hand watering cans, use them for about five minutes in one spot and then move on.FAQs
What is the best time to turn on sprinklers?
Why is it bad to water your lawn at night?
When should you water your grass in the summer?
How long should I water my lawn for each day?
Tony Manhart is a passionate gardener who has been tending to gardens for over 20 years. He takes pride in creating beautiful outdoor spaces with plants, trees, and shrubs that can thrive in any environment. He loves to share his knowledge with others and has taught classes on gardening basics and advanced techniques. He is committed to sustainability, using natural and organic methods to create and maintain gardens. He also works with local organizations to create green spaces for communities. When he’s not gardening, Tony enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family.