Last Updated on January 6, 2022 by
Fiddle leaf figs are voracious eaters! With their large leaves, relatively fast growth, and towering size, they can deplete the soil in a matter of a few months. Because they’re contained in pots as house plants, their nutrient supply is not replenished like it is in the wild. To keep them healthy it is really important to regularly fertilize your fiddle leaf fig trees.
Without the proper nutrients, your fiddle leaf fig may grow very slowly, grow flimsy leaves (or produce few new leaves at all!), and have trouble growing strong roots.
With an abundance of products available in stores, it can be confusing when choosing the right fertilizer for your plant. So let’s simplify the process by paying attention to the main details below.
How To Choose The Best Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer
1. Choose A Liquid Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer
The best type of fiddle leaf fig fertilizer is a liquid fertilizer. This can blend well with the plant’s soil and allow easy absorption. It will also reduce the risk of burning your plant because you can control how much your plant is getting (which you can’t do with a slow-release pellet fertilizer).
How to Use A Liquid Fertilizer
With a liquid fertilizer, you can simply mix the fertilizer with water and feed your plant consistently to maximize its growth and keep it healthy, especially during the spring and summer when your fiddle leaf fig will experience growth spurts!
Make sure to read the label on your fertilizer so you know how often to use it to fertilize your plant, and how to properly dilute it. Some fertilizers are gentle enough to use weekly while others need to be used less often. Also, you may want to fertilize half as often in the autumn when the plant’s growth may be winding down for the season and not at all during the winter when the plant is dormant and resting. You don’t want to overstimulate your plant while it’s trying to take a break!
2. Look For The Perfect N-P-K Ratio
Fertilizers are mainly comprised of three major nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (along with various micronutrients that may vary from formula to formula). These chemicals are responsible for healthy foliage, root growth, and overall plant health.
All fertilizers are labeled with an N-P-K ratio, which represents the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the formula. For example, a 10-10-10 fertilizer contains 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus, and 10% potassium.
The N-P-K ratio can help you compare and contrast the different types of fertilizers you might find in your local garden store or online because different plants prefer different ratios.
Recommended Ratio for a Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer
You want to find one that is close to a 3-1-2 ratio for a fiddle leaf fig. This configuration will ensure healthy roots and plenty of nitrogen for leaf and branch growth!
Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food was created with the perfect N-P-K ratio and in an easy-to-use liquid format. There are also micronutrient needs specific to the plant including potash, boron, and copper, which might be hard to find in other fertilizers.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food is unique because you can use it every time you water, instead of having to remember to feed your fiddle leaf fig every few weeks or months. That way, you can ensure that your plant is getting the right amount of nutrients without accidentally over or underfeeding it. (And don’t underestimate the power of convenience here. The best fertilizer is one you’ll actually use!)
The steady supply of gentle nutrients can help your fiddle leaf fig look and feel its best!
These two criteria will make up the best fertilizer to feed your fiddle leaf fig tree. Although there is a myriad of choices online and in the garden stores, taking this direction specifically is best for your plant. I own a half dozen fiddle leaf figs that I’ve been able to keep healthy and growing for years, and I credit much of their success to the right fertilizer and fertilizing schedule. I’ve even been able to revive several plants whose previous owners were ready to give up on them, thanks to the perfect fertilizer!
Fertilizing Your New Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
After bringing home a new fiddle leaf fig, you’ll want to start fertilizing within a few months to help growth continue, but don’t fertilize right away. Fiddles love consistency, and introducing too many changes at once can shock them. This is also why you won’t want to fertilize until a month or so after repotting. You can avoid fertilizing during the winter, but at any other time, make sure your plant is fed consistently. Fiddles love a consistent care schedule, fertilizer included!
Once fiddles have the nutrients they need to grow, they can grow fast! You’ll have a tall, strong, beautiful tree with gorgeous green leaves in no time. A well-formulated fertilizer is almost like a cheat for growing the most amazing fiddle leaf fig trees. Your fiddles will thank you!
About The Author
Claire Akin created The Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Center to make growing fiddle leaf figs easy, social and fun. Stop by to watch our free webinar, shop our store, and join our Facebook group to engage with thousands of fiddle leaf fig lovers! Fiddle leaf fig trees thrive in warm, humid environments. They are also called the "Chinese evergreen" are a type of tropical plant with long, narrow leaves. These plants are very popular in the landscape because they provide an abundance of shade and beautiful foliage. Fiddle leaf fig trees are a type of plant that have to be fertilized with a high quality fertilizer every month. Fiddle leaf fig trees can be fertilized by applying a layer of mulch around the tree. The mulch traps nutrients from the ground and provides a special environment for the roots to grow. This is actually quite simple. All you need to do is take a bucket and fill it with 1 gallon of water and 2 cups of granulated oyster shell lime, then mix it well. Add the mixture to the soil that surrounds your fiddle leaf fig tree. Make sure to use gloves for this process as plants can cause skin irritation if not handled properly. Fiddle leaf figs are beautiful plants that require plenty of light and humidity to grow well. Light: Fiddle leaf figs perform best when they get 12 hours of light per day. If they don’t get enough light, they will lose their leaves and begin to die. Humidity: Fiddle leaf figs need moderate humidity levels in order to stay healthy. When the humidity is too low, the leaves will begin to dry out and turn brown. Watering: The soil should be moist at all times, but not soaking wet or dried out. It is important that you water your fiddle leaf fig every day or two, depending on how much water it needs based on what time of year it is. Temperature: Fiddle leaf figs prefer room temperature environments Epsom salt, which is also called magnesium sulfate, contains magnesium and sulfur. It can be used to help plants grow better. Epsom salt is not good for fiddle leaf figs because they are sensitive to high levels of magnesium. Epsom salt can be used to fight chlorosis, improve plant growth, spur on blooming, and maintain the pH balance. It does not require any watering for it to work. Milk is a good source of protein and nutrients and it is also beneficial for the growth of fig trees. But the best way to make sure that your fig tree is healthy would be to fertilize it with manure or manure tea. To ensure that the fiddle-leaf fig is healthy, it should be kept in warm temperatures. Fiddle-leaf figs are tropical plants that need warm temperatures to grow. If they are not given the right temperature, they can die. The right temperature for a fiddle-leaf fig is between 70°F and 85°F. A room with these temperatures will keep your plant happy and healthy. They should be placed in a well-lit area that receives lots of sunlight. They should not be placed directly in the sun, though, because that would cause the leaves to dry out and turn brown. This one can also get too much water so it will need to be watered less often than other plants. It needs to be placed near a window or by a skylight so it can still get plenty of light while receiving some protection from the sun.FAQs
What are the best environments for fiddle leaf fig trees?
How do you fertilize a fiddle leaf fig tree?
What should I feed my fiddle leaf fig?
Is Epsom salt good for fiddle leaf fig?
Is milk good for fig trees?
What temperature is best for fiddle-leaf fig?
Where should I place my fiddle leaf fig?
Tony Manhart is a passionate gardener who has been tending to gardens for over 20 years. He takes pride in creating beautiful outdoor spaces with plants, trees, and shrubs that can thrive in any environment. He loves to share his knowledge with others and has taught classes on gardening basics and advanced techniques. He is committed to sustainability, using natural and organic methods to create and maintain gardens. He also works with local organizations to create green spaces for communities. When he’s not gardening, Tony enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family.