Last Updated on December 28, 2021 by
One of the major problems every gardener would have to contend with occasionally is pests and rodents. From small creeping insects to large pesky animals such as chipmunks, you have to be ready to fend them off if you want to record a bountiful harvest at the end of the planting season.
Chipmunks mostly feed on seeds, fruits, and other parts of your garden plants that may appeal to them. It doesn’t matter whether they look cute or not; you need to keep them out of your garden as they can do a lot of damage in a short time. Just in case you are wondering how to keep chipmunks out of your garden, we have outlined some of the best measures you can use to get the job done.
Without any further delays, let’s get right into the mix.
How to Keep Chipmunks Out of Gardens?
You can try one or some of the following procedures to curb the menace of chipmunks and other rodents in your garden.
Scent Deterrent
You can employ a strong smell in your garden to keep unwanted chipmunks looking to munch on fresh plants away from your garden. Rodents such as rats, squirrels, and chipmunks rely on their nostrils to lead them to food. Using strong-smelling materials around your yard can keep them away for good. Since they would need to keep sniffing the air to find their meal, you can use scents from essential oils such as eucalyptus, garlic, peppermint, citrus, and cinnamon to keep rodents out of your garden.
You can also make your home-made chipmunk repellant with the use of two or more of the essential oils above with water to create an effective repellant spray. Doing this around your garden can trick the animals into believing that the plants aren’t suitable to munch on since it doesn’t like how it is smelling. If you can’t stand to bring harm to chipmunks, but want them to keep out of your perimeter, then you should consider this method.
Invest in a Quality Trap
Traps can also prove to be useful when it comes to keeping chipmunks and other rodents out of your garden. Since they are small in size, a rat or mouse trap should also work correctly against chipmunks. You can use any trap to get the job done. Snap traps are strong enough to kill them, while live traps make it possible to move them far away from your garden when they get caught. You can try any of them out by placing peanut butter or sunflower seeds since they are fond of those. You should also know that in some areas, it is a crime to use snap traps on chipmunks, so you want to find out what your local laws entails when it comes to using traps on chipmunks.
It is worth mentioning that using live traps on chipmunks will only allow you to move them to a different area when they get caught by the trap, and it doesn’t stop them from finding their way back to your garden. So it may not be a complete solution to your pest problem if you have to keep catching and releasing the same chipmunk over again.
Set up an Owl Box
Just in case you have not tried it before, an owl box works to invite owl and other large birds to your garden at night. Owls are one of the predators that like to feed on chipmunks and other smaller rodents, so inviting them to your garden can spell doom for the unwanted visitors causing damage in your yard. Since owls don’t create nests of their own, you should take it upon yourself to build an owl box to attract them into your garden. The benefit of an owl box in your garden is that apart from chipmunks, you can also expect that other rodents such as rats and squirrels will desist from entering your garden once they notice a resident predator is lurking around.
Barricade Entryways
Since they are small animals, chipmunks can find it easy to maneuver past small holes and spaces they may find around your garden. So it is worth it to check for any possible entryways and barricade them to keep all unwanted guests out of your garden. If you don’t already know, chipmunks are capable of burrowing holes in the ground, so you may want to find these holes and fill them out. You can start by pouring hot water into the holes so that any rodent that may still be in there may get out before covering permanently with sand or stones. It is vital to get rid of these holes, especially if you have a pet dog or cat that is continuously patrolling around your garden or backyard. Their legs could get stuck in the crater while they are running, which can result in injuries to your beloved pet.
Use Poisons
If you try everything else and they still find their way back to your garden, then it may be best to take a permanent approach by employing the use of poison to get rid of your pest problems. While there are different types of toxins for rodents, the majority of them work by causing internal bleeding in the animal once it swallows it, making it a quick and effective solution to the problem. There are pellets and baits you can purchase and place at strategic places around your garden that are inviting to chipmunks and other rodents. Once they nibble on the bait, after a few minutes, you can expect to find them lying dead next to where you kept the bait.
If you have pets or kids that play around, you want to be careful using poisonous substances around your garden since you can’t be sure what your pets and kids are up to when they are alone in the garden.
There is a lot you can do to take back your garden from the hands of pesky chipmunks and others looking to devour all you have in your backyard. You can start with any of the methods outlined above. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have in the comment section. Chipmunks are one of the most popular mammals in the world. They are often called "the rodents of the tree". Chipmunks don't tolerate human presence at all and they have a really strong fear of humans. One thing that chipmunks hate the most is anything that can be harmful to them - like predator traps and poison. If you want to get rid of these pesky critters all you need is some vinegar - simple as that! Epsom salt is often used as a repellent to keep away chipmunks, but the question is whether or not this type of salt will work on the animals. There have not been many studies done on whether or not this will be effective. Aware that chipmunks are taking over Britain, one man decided to do something about it. Instead of using poison or traps, he's using Epsom salt - a substance usually used for gardening purposes. This is what he did: - Sprinkle some Epsom salt in your garden - In two weeks, you'll see dead chipmunks everywhere While some people may think that the most effective way to get rid of chipmunks is through trapping and killing them, this method has many drawbacks. The best method of getting rid of these pesky creatures is through regular monitoring and prevention methods. By doing so, you won't have any issues with their infestation presence or the actual presence of these pests themselves in the house or garden. The most effective way to get rid of chipmunks is to make sure your property is free from their paths. This can be done by cutting down the trees with branches low enough for chipmunks to not be able to jump from one branch to another or using a professional rodent removal service. You could try removing the food source or setting traps on your property. If neither of these options work, you can try using an animal repellent spray or even rat poison. You should also be aware that some cities have animal control departments that will remove them for a fee. A recent study has found that vinegar can keep chipmunks away. The study claims that vinegar may be a cost-effective solution to keep wild animals away, especially in areas where they are increasing in population. The study also showed that vinegar can be used as a natural repellent and it is completely safe for humans and pets. It turns out that the way vinegar keeps chipmunks away may be because it is perceived as an unpalatable or distasteful smell for the rodents. Chipmunks are known to eat garden plants. This is a good thing for the gardeners because it helps them to eradicate the cocklebur and plantain weed from the garden. Chipmunks can eat almost anything, but they usually avoid eating things that have high levels of protein like meat. Chipmunks are notoriously insistent on eating crops and fruits in your garden. But they won’t go anywhere near a person who has peed nearby. It turns out that urine is a repellent for chipmunks and other rodents. In fact, it is more effective than some of the most popular rodent-repellant pesticides.FAQs
What do chipmunks hate the most?
What is a home remedy to get rid of chipmunks?
Will Epsom salt deter chipmunks?
What is the most effective way to get rid of chipmunks?
Does vinegar keep chipmunks away?
Do chipmunks eat garden plants?
Does human urine repel chipmunks?
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Tony Manhart is a passionate gardener who has been tending to gardens for over 20 years. He takes pride in creating beautiful outdoor spaces with plants, trees, and shrubs that can thrive in any environment. He loves to share his knowledge with others and has taught classes on gardening basics and advanced techniques. He is committed to sustainability, using natural and organic methods to create and maintain gardens. He also works with local organizations to create green spaces for communities. When he’s not gardening, Tony enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family.