Last Updated on June 21, 2023 by Tony Manhart
This article includes the best plants that grow in shallow containers that you can choose to grow in your home or office.
There are many plants that we keep indoors in our homes or offices and these are called indoor plants. These plants do not need much space to grow. You can keep them inside your cupboard, drawer, bathroom, kitchen, or any other place where there is little light and space. Some of these plants are very easy to grow and others are more difficult to grow. So, here we have included the top 20 best plants that grow in shallow containers.
The Best Plants That Grow in Shallow Containers
1. African Violet
The leaves are heart-shaped and green with a darker vein on the inside edge. The flowers are large and showy, dark pink with a bright red throat and yellow center. Just like the flame violets these plants are super cute indoor plants.
2. Aloe Plant
The Aloe plant is one of the easiest plants to grow. It requires only a little space and you can keep this plant inside your office.
3. Bromeliad
These are also known as pineapple plants. They are easy to grow and they do not require a lot of space.
4. Cactus Plant – Plants That Grow In Shallow Containers
This is a good choice for your office desk. You can keep this plant inside your office and you will get fresh oxygen every day. This is a straightforward plant to grow and it does not require much space.
5. Fern
This is a very attractive fern that can be kept in any room. It is very easy to maintain.
6. Flame Violet
This is a nice choice for your office desk because it has a beautiful shape. This plant does not require much space.
7. Grapevine
This is a straightforward plant to grow. It can be kept inside or outside.
8. Hawthorn Plant
This is also known as the hawthorn tree. It is very popular and it is used in many different decorations.
9. Lavender Plant
The Lavender plant is one of the easiest plants to grow. It requires only a little space and you can keep this plant inside your office.
10. Snake Plant
Snake plants are very easy to grow and they need only water. They look great when kept inside your kitchen.
11. Panda Plant
This plant is one of the most popular indoor plants. This plant can also be kept in a small pot.
12. Pansies
This is a very easy flower to grow indoors. Pansies are good for indoor gardening.
13. Petunias
These flowers are easy to grow and they require minimum space. Petunias are good for indoor gardening.
AeroGarden Cascading Petunia Flower Seed Pod Kit (6-pod)
14. Pinstripe Plants
Pinstripe plants are one of the easiest indoor plants to grow. These plants are very attractive and they are easy to grow. You can find them in many different varieties.
15. Pothos Plant
These plants are also called epiphytes. They can be found all over the world. It is easy to grow and it does not need a lot of care.
16. Prayer Plant
Prayer plants are easy to grow. You can get them at any garden center. They have a variety of colors. They can be used as decorative plants.
17. Roses – Plants That Grow In Shallow Containers
Roses are not so easy to grow but with little effort, you can get a nice-looking rose garden. Roses are good for indoor gardening.
18. Roseum Plant
This is a very easy plant to grow and it can be kept inside a small pot. It requires some water and sunlight.
19. Spathiphyllum Plant
This is an easy indoor plant. It needs little water. It is very beautiful and it looks great on the dining table.
20. Spider Plant
This is one of the easiest plants to grow and it can be kept indoors. It grows well with minimum sunlight and water.
21. Strelitzia
These are some of the easiest indoor plants to grow. They are also called Strelitzia reginae. They have small leaves that look like lilies.
22. Tillandsia
Tillandsia is also known as air plants. It is very easy to grow and it does not need much water.
23. Tuberous Begonia – Plants That Grow In Shallow Containers
These plants have large, deep roots. They can be found at any garden center. They require little care and they are easy to grow.
24. Vernonia Plant
These plants are easy to grow and they have a nice shape. They are one of the easiest indoor plants to grow.
25. Vincas
Vincas are very easy to grow. They require little space and you can keep this plant inside your office.
26. Zinnias
Zinnias are very easy to grow and they require little space. Zinnias are good for indoor gardening.
If you want to grow vegetables with shallow roots here is a list:
What to Plant in Small Hanging Pots?
Hanging pots tend to be a bit weird as they get forgotten. You don’t see the soil, so you forget to water them. I would suggest for hanging pots that the ideal plant to grow in them is a Christmas cactus or Schlumbergera. These tend to remind you they need water by going a bit red. You can then water them and they go green again. If you kill one of these it is nature’s way of telling you to get plastic indoor plants.
Can You Keep Plants in Small Pots?
Yes – many plants will thrive in small pots and give you years or decades of joy! There is also a bit of a word problem here – I have pots that are thimble sizes, and normal “small” 1-cup pots. A small pot is relative, but there is a plant for any pot.
What Seeds to Plant in Small Pots?
I have grown many plants starting them in small pots and moving them gradually up to big pots. You can use a small plant in late winter or early spring to start plants on a window sill. In this regard, I often start tomatoes, peppers, and squash in small pots and then move them out once the last frosts are over.
You can also grow various decorative plants in small pots. There are thousands to choose from.
Where to Buy Small Plastic Plant Pots?
I like terracotta pots if I can get them. My favorite example of a small clay pot would be something like this. These are useful for growing cacti, and starting food plants such as peppers, tomatoes, chilis, basil, and so on. They can also be used for growing small plants that will stay in the pots for years.
If you want to grow cacti in small pots, there are decorated pot options such as these that are available.
My general advice is that if you are not used to growing plants, make sure to only grow succulents in small pots. Small pots get dry very fast – and succulents are quite tolerant of abuse. Most other plants will just die, and this will discourage you from learning how to grow plants properly.
Does it Make Sense to Plant Peas in a Small Container or a Large One?
Peas are plants that require a decent amount of root space. You can grow them in pots, and they will produce a little – make sure to try and use at least a half-gallon pot and you should be ok. Anything less than this will probably produce a very stunted useless pea plant and you will get two, maybe three pods. They will be the best pea pods you have tasted so far, but rather grow a bigger plant and get more awesome fresh peas.
What Herbs Do Well in Shallow Pots?
The majority of the Mediterranean family of herbs do relatively well in shallow pots because if you look at their natural environment it is essentially a terribly eroded region shaped by millennia of human mismanagement, erosion, and overgrazing by goats. If something can grow where it needs to be able to tolerate poor shallow soil and low rainfall.
This means that herbs such as basil, rosemary, oregano, marjoram, sage, thyme and so on all will survive in well-draining soil in shallow pots. Cilantro is another plant that can thrive in soil that is one or two inches deep. You will however need to be relatively diligent about watering the plants.
Can Tomatoes Grow in Shallow Pots?
Tomatoes can do very well in shallow pots if fed well. Generally, determinate cultivars will do the best as these grow and fruit in one big flush and then die. The vast majority of commercial tomatoes are grown in shallow 4-6 inch bags of media and are drip-fed nutrients in this. To read more about the depth of tomato roots read this article I wrote.
In Conclusion
This list of the best plants that grow in shallow containers is a long one in that you can choose your favorite plants. All these plants are some of the most popular and well-known plants. The process of how to grow plants in shallow containers is pretty simple. Just choose your plan and container and you are on your way to gardening your plants.
What can I grow in a shallow planter?
You will need to grow your plant in soil and not directly into the sand. Sand is porous and will allow air and water to enter the soil below. This will encourage the root system to grow out of the sand and into the soil below.
Can geraniums grow in shallow pots?
Yes. You can grow geraniums in shallow planters, as long as the soil depth is no more than 2 inches deep. If you are growing a large plant, like geranium, you may want to go with a larger pot that is deeper than 2 inches. You can also use a shallow container and fill it with soil. You can even mix in some gravel or pebbles to help hold the soil in place.
Do pothos like shallow pots?
Yes. Pothos prefer to be in shallow containers and need lots of room to grow. They need about 2 inches of soil to grow.
What annual flowers have shallow roots?
Annuals like zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers and marigolds all have shallow roots. If you plant these in a shallow container they will need to be repotted every few years.
Caroline is a gardener who loves to get down to the nitty–gritty of gardening. She proudly proclaims herself as a ‘dirt worshipper‘ and can often be found deep in the garden, covered in soil and singing to her plants. As a self–proclaimed ‘plant whisperer‘, Caroline believes that plants need love and attention just like any other living thing, and she loves to give them both. When she‘s not tending to her garden, you can often find her researching the latest gardening trends, or teaching others how to make their gardens thrive