Kaffir Lily - bursting forth with a stunning orange color.Bird Of Paradise - This plant is easy and almost effortless to grow. Christmas Cactus - This perennial houseplant produces orange flowers during the fall or spring. Eternal Flame - Eternal Flame (Goeppertia crocata or Calathea crocata) is a houseplant that blooms beautiful 1 to 2-inch orange flowers from late spring to summer.
Clivia Miniata - also known as the bush lily, is a common houseplant with orange flowers. Barberton Daisy - Barberton daisy has several names: Gerbera Jameson, Transvaal, and Gerbera Daisy. The Orange Star - The Orange Star Plant or the Sun Star is one of the houseplants with orange flowers commonly grown outdoors but thrives indoors more.
Orange Lipstick - The Orange lipstick plant is native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia. Crossandra - The Crossandra plant is also known as the firecracker flower.Flowering Maple - The Flowering Maple plant is a shrub that looks the same as the hibiscus.
Lewisia - Lewisia is a flowering evergreen perennial plant with different bloom shades – striking orange, white, yellow, and pink flowers. Impatiens - walleriana comes in a spectrum of stunning colors, including the popular orange type. These flowers love water and high humidity compared to fellow indoor plants.