Let’s have a look at a few examples of deep rooted plants. Roots bring nutrients to the plant – and a lot of the surface layers of soil on our planet have been farmed for so long now that the nutrient levels are very depleted.
Example 1: ComfreyThis is one of my favorite examples of deep-rooted plants. I grow it for one main reason being that it has roots that extend 6’7 (2m) into the soil.
Examples Of Deep-rooted Plants
Example 2:Kale
Kale is an amazing example of the deep-rooted plant. Depending on where you are in the world this thing can actually be a perennial.
This is the king of deep-rooted things you can grow in your garden to bring nutrients to the surface. Alfalfa roots can extend over 20 feet (6m) into the soil and subsoil.
There is nothing to stop you from growing these plants in pots as well. Deeper pots work better for all three types, and they will thrive in a pot. You will need to feed them with a decent slow-release plant food such as this.