Aloe vera is a very popular succulent houseplant. It has thick, fleshy leaves that are usually green in color with a serrated edge. These leaves are filled with gel which can provide many health benefits to humans when ingested.
What happens if you cut the tip of an aloe plant? If you have an aloe plant with a healthy rosette at the top, then you can take a cutting from below the rosette and root it in the soil.
If you have an aloe plant with a healthy rosette at the top, then you can take a cutting from below the rosette and root it in the soil. The first step in pruning an aloe vera plant is to remove any dead leaves or stems at least two inches above ground level with clean shears or scissors.
How Do You Cut An Aloe Vera Plant Without Killing It?
The Top Of My Sloe Plant Broke Off, What Should I Do?
A cutting from the bottom part of the plant can root in a few days and start growing once more. If you do not have any other healthy aloe plants to take a cutting from, then you can replant the top part of your plant in fresh soil.
Aloe vera plants barely die so if you give them enough sunlight, water and nutrients they can grow again. Growing this plant gives you plenty of benefits that include a good source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.