It’s natural hair oil.It is a potent insecticide.It is also anti-fungal.Neem oil is a natural antiseptic.It is a natural remedy for dandruff. Neem oil is a natural treatment for athlete’s foot.It is also a natural remedy for sunburn.
Natural cure for acne.Deodorant.It is a natural remedy for eczema.Neem oil is an excellent treatment for nail fungus.This oil is a natural remedy for ringworm.Treatment for insect bites.
Yes. Neem oil is a natural insecticide that is safe to use around pets and children. It is an excellent, eco-friendly alternative to harmful chemicals. However, it should not be ingested.
What kills ants instantly?
If the neem oil is applied directly to the ant’s body it will kill the ants because they have sensitive skin.
This article has been clear on this topic does neem oil kill ants? It is evident that neem oil does not kill ants if they don’t come into contact with it.