You can buy columbine seeds from your local nursery or garden supply center. Plant a few seeds in each pot and lightly cover them with good soil to ensure excellent soil to seed contact. Do not plant your seeds too deep as they will not germinate. Columbines have a long taproot that needs to be transplanted to bigger pots after they germinate.
The seeds need to be kept moist so water them frequently. Keep the pots in a window that gets sunlight and shade. Do not place them facing a window where the sunlight is strongest. Germination will happen between 20 days to a month.
Columbine is classified as having minor toxicity and associated with gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, it should not be ingested. Animals should also not be allowed to ingest columbine because they can experience distress, coma, behavioral changes, or even death.
Columbine foliage is attacked by leaf miners, but the damage is not too serious. It gives the foliage a variegated look with their doodling. Leaf miners are easy to control and eliminate their doodling too...