Like their cousins, beets and turnips are versatile crops that you can grow for greens or roots.Turnips are a cool-weather crop. They require about 30 to 60 days from planting to harvesting...
Now that you have planted them in the right conditions, its time to give them the proper care that includes:1. Light2. Soil3. Water4. Temperature5. Fertilizer
Greens. You can harvest turnip greens after they reach at least 4 inches tall. If you don’t harm the top of the root structure, the greens will regrow.
Roots. The roots are best harvested and eaten when small and tender, around 2 to 3 inches in diameter...
You can harvest your fall-planted turnips in the winter. Since they no longer actively grow in the winter, cover them with a layer of mulch to prevent them from freezing, and the cold weather will sweeten them even more...