You probably didn’t see this problem coming. Bees can produce so much honey that you’d need to find placement ahead.
Honey Placement
Before getting honey bees, an essential thing to do is to check if you’re allergic to their sting. It’s rare, but you’ll need to make sure, especially if you’ve never been stung by a bee.
Backyard beekeeping is a hobby that can bring you a small side income. It’s not as demanding and doesn’t require a huge upfront investment or putting in hours every day.
Beekeeping: Hobby or Full-Time Job?
A single beehive can produce 20 to 60lb of honey per year.
Depending on the kind, bees cost anywhere from $125 to $165. Before buying, you’ll have to consider your location and ability to provide proper care. It’s not a time-consuming hobby, but and it’s gratifying.