Rust spot is a disease caused by a fungal parasite that spreads through the host plant destroying its cells.
What Causes Rust Spots On Leaves?
Rust fungi are easy to identify on the plant. Here are some signs to look out for:The appearance of pale leaf spots eventually turns into spore-producing structures called pustules ...
Once you notice your plants are infected with rust, it’s best to treat them as soon as possible to avoid further damage. Here is how you can treat the rust fungus: ...
As a gardener, you know the best way is to prevent instead of treat. We will not sit back and wait for the rust fungus to find its way into our gardens when we can prevent it from happening.
When buying plants, be careful you don’t buy any that has signs of rust fungus. Look at the plants closely and ensure there are no signs at all.
Do Not Introduce It To Your Garden
Plant rust-resistant flowers to ensure rust does not affect your garden. Also, you can plant hybridizers are working hard to develop new varieties of rust-resistant plants.
Use a homemade organic or store-bought fungicide to cut off the spread of this fungal disease.
Use A Preventive Fungicide To Get Rid Of Rust Fungus
During the fall season, remove all dead plant material from the garden so that the spores have no place to overwinter and re-infect your garden in the spring.