The Polka dot plant is a houseplant most people keep indoors, but some wonder if planting a Polka dot plant outdoors is possible. Luckily, we come bearing good news, as it’s entirely possible to plant and grow
According to many gardeners, Polka dot plants are better suited for life indoors, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that they can still be planted outside.
Lighting: They need light, but not direct sunlight, which is why we recommend placing them in a shaded place.Watering: needs regular watering, but make sure not to overwater.
Fertilizing: It’d be best to feed this ever-hungry plant at least once a month. Pruning: This plant needs you to cut off the two top-most leaves on each stem at least once a week – this will promote growth that’s going to resemble a bush much more
To draw up, you can definitely grow your Polka dot plant outside. However, it’s a bit more difficult because the temperature needs to be regulated, as well as sun exposure and humidity level.