Weeping Cherry Tree Care Tips" poster-portrait-src="https://gardeningdream.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/cropped-Snow-Fountain-Weeping-Cherry-Tree-Care-Tips.jpg">

Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Tree Care Tips

You’re not the first to believe that snow fountain weeping cherry tree care is too time-consuming, but surprisingly they’re very low-maintenance!

Growing Snow Fountain Trees In Your Backyard

The snow fountain weeping tree is an ornamental tree that thrives in the sunny section of your garden. 

The snow fountain tree loves moist but well-draining soil. It can tolerate any soil type and ph level, whether chalk, clay, or sand.

How To Plant

The young trees are sensitive to weather changes. Planting your new tree during harsher weather can be disastrous. Instead, choose late spring or early summer.

Best Time To Plant Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Trees

How Tall Can You Expect Them To Grow?

Snow fountain weeping cherry trees grow a foot a year until they reach their full growth.

The white snow fountain weeping cherry tree originates in Asia and made its way to the west at the end of the 19th century.

White Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Tree

You can probably recall the first time you spotted this fabulous tree. It’s a wonderful sighting that leaves you speechless.

Why It’s Called Weeping Snow Fountain Cherry

Providing your snow fountain weeping cherry tree with proper care is a must.

The Best Care Tips & Tricks

You need to perform some pruning after the blooming period has ended. 


Snow fountain weeping cherry trees are not immune to pests and disease. 

Air Circulation

Considering the amount of blossom the snow fountain weeping cherry tree produces, there is some messiness behind it.

Are Snow Fountain Trees Messy?

Snow fountain weeping cherry trees are low maintenance trees suitable for states in USDA zones 4 to 8. Originally an Asian ornamental tree, this garden jewel can bloom in your backyard too. 


Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Tree Care Tips