Tomato rot is caused by the inability to get enough calcium to the developing fruit. Bacteria or fungus do not cause this calcium deficiency; instead, several factors cause blossom end rot. They include – Too little or too much moisture. When you have prolonged dry conditions or too wet, they could affect your tomatoes, causing rot ...
To germinate, tomato seeds require at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Seedlings are ready to go into the soil above 55 degrees Fahrenheit, but growth will be slow.
Ensure Your Soil Is Warm Enough When Planting
When pulling weeds, don’t attack the ground close to the tomato plant with your hoe.
Avoid Working Too Close To The Roots Of The Tomato Plant
Bottom of tomatoes rotting or blossom end rot does not spread from plant to plant. However, plants growing near each other may all be affected since they share similar growing conditions.