Times Do Irises Bloom Per Year" srcSet="https://gardeningdream.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/How-Many-Times-Do-Irises-Bloom-Per-Year.jpg 700w,https://gardeningdream.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/How-Many-Times-Do-Irises-Bloom-Per-Year-300x200.jpg 300w" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 35vh, 77vw" disable-inline-width="true">
When Do Iris Bloom?
There are hundreds of bearded rebloomers registered with the American Iris Society in the past few years. Many are all-season bloomers while some bloom in different seasons.
There are two or more varieties of iris that bloom a couple of times per year. If you notice gardens blooming throughout the year, they have several varieties that extend the bloom in different periods of the year.
Sometimes it is true irises may not bloom at all. Bearded, Asian, classic, or designer, these flowers are a beauty to grow in your garden. They provide a long-term display of tall, glorious sword-like leaves and boldly featured blooms.