While the blooms are always beautiful, many often struggle with the question: When is the best time to plant roses?And as an avid gardener who planted just about every variety of rose, I’ve discovered some shocking similarities in rose care, that could make caring for these normally finicky plants an easy journey.
Given that roses are a tricky set of flowers to plant, which multiple times of the year which might be suitable for planting them if you want the simplest and best season to do so, start planting them during the spring.
There is no single, monolithic rose plant. Instead, there are multiple categories with dozens if not hundreds of subtypes describing each rose that grows in a variety of environments.
Best Time to Plant Roses: What to Plant and Where to Plant
If you’re planning on planting bare root roses, soak the roots in water for 2-24 hours. Thereafter, dig a planting hole that is 12-18 inches deep and wide, and then place the plant with its soaked roots inside. And make sure the bud union is 1-2 inches above the dirt. When that is done, carefully pack the soil around the base, leaving it loose enough to accept water without growing stagnant.
Best Time to Plant Roses: Preparation and Planting
Caring for planted roses requires due diligence, especially when it comes to watering, soil upkeep, and maintaining the proper environment for the buds. No matter the type of rose planted, the flowers will require watering at least twice a week, especially in hot and dry climates.
Thereafter, you need to maintain the soil so that the rose will have an easy time growing. The ideal soil for roses is the loose and dry ones, which helps in draining excess water. Also, make sure the soil contains nutrients like potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorous so that the roses can get the nutrition they need.
When it comes to feeding roses, avoid artificial fertilizers. Multiple varieties can actually attract more pests such as aphids, which will eat the roses in a heartbeat. Instead, try using natural compost and fertilizers like fruit and vegetable peels to keep the soil healthy.
Choose a location with adequate space for the roots to grow. Plant the roses in an area where they will receive at least six hours of sunlight, and keep the soil loosely packed so that there will be an adequate drainage system. Use a natural fertilizer like compost to keep the dirt rich with nutrients for the buds.