Arugula is a Mediterranean leafy green from the mustard family. It’s closely related to cauliflower, broccoli, and brussels sprouts but doesn’t yield fruit.
You can grow arugula from seeds or get small roots from a nursery. The seeds need approximately 40 days to grow into a plant. The correct time, however, depends on the weather conditions. Nursery plants produce edible leaves in 10 days.
Arugula packs many health benefits in a single leaf, and it’s pretty easy to add to your diet. Here’s what you can gain from a single bowl or arugula salad daily:Calcium – a vital supplement that’s hard to find in a plant. It helps keep your bones and teeth healthy and strong.Vitamin C – you can never have enough of this immune-boosting vitamin.Potassium - the supplement responsible ...
If you’re taking a blood-thinning medicine, you might want to control your arugula portions. Too much vitamin K (which is abundant in arugula) can suppress the medicine’s work.
Arugula is best consumed fresh in salads, sandwiches, as a side or over already baked pizza. If you find the taste overwhelming you can chop it and sprinkle it over your favorite salad. If you’re willing to experiment, make arugula pesto.
Arugula is a hearty green from the mustard family that needs cool weather. Plant it after the last frost in spring, and you’ll get a fully grown plant in a month. In summer, wait until the temperatures drop to 65℉ or below and sow your seeds.