Last Updated on February 16, 2022 by
If you are a newbie to gardening, you might be wondering what daisies look like and the different types to grow around your yard. If this is you, some common daisies we will look at might be of interest to you.
Daisies are some of the most recognizable and familiar flowers across the world. Almost everyone recognizes the unique shape of a daisy – the white petals surrounding a bright yellow center.
The popularity of a daisy flower is determined by how common it is. Growing your cut down on the costs of buying daisies for your girlfriend or wife as you celebrate the next anniversary.
These beauties come in various colors and can easily complement one another when mixed in your garden. Planting daisies in your garden is a great place to start for new gardeners, as these sun-loving daisies quickly grow and bloom with such beautiful colors.
However, did you know there are thousands of varieties of daisies that differ in size, shape, and flower colors? To help you figure them out quickly, we will discuss as many types as possible.
What Do Daisies Look Like – Different Types?
Aster Daisy
These daisies are most loved for attracting honey bees and butterflies to your garden. They bloom in late summer through autumn, producing beautiful colors ranging from white, blue, or purple. They thrive in cool, moist areas.
English Daisy
It is also known as the lawn daisy or the common daisy. It blooms between April and June, producing different colors of daisy flowers – pink, red, white, and blue. This daisy is considered invasive in some areas, so check before planting in your area.
English daisies do well in USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8 and are often grown as biennials in warmer areas and annuals in colder regions.
Gloriosa Daisy
They are commonly known as black-eyed Susans or brown-eyed Susans. They are widely cultivated in parks and gardens for summer displays, prairie-themed beddings, and wildflower gardens.
It is also well known as a Maryland state flower as it can be seen in nearly every Maryland festival. These blooms are cultivated as annuals that bloom in late summer and early autumn.
African Daisy
This daisy produces large flowers with pink, yellow, orange, and red petals. The African daisy is a great perennial ground cover option enjoying plenty of sunlight and requiring less water.
Blue Marguerite Daisy
The Blue Marguerite daisy is a South African native known for its blue petals and a bright yellow center. This type thrives in mild warm temperatures.
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Marguerite Daisy
Commonly known as the Paris Daisy, this variety is native to the Canary Islands. It has thicker petals than the rest of the daisies and is famous as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens.
They thrive in full sun blooming throughout spring and summer – although the most beautiful blooms are in spring. They are commonly used at the borders of houses because they grow continuously. These big beautiful blooms attract lots of butterflies, so enjoy watching them fly around these beauties.
Cape Daisy
They are rich in pollen and attract large numbers of bees. The cape daisies come in yellow, purple, and white colors and sprouts in bushes that grow up to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide.
Shasta Daisy
These daisies are a hybrid since the early days of 1890. Today they are a favorite garden plant and ground cover. You can grow them as perennials with the classic daisy appearance of white petals surrounding a bright yellow center. It is one of the easiest daisies to grow.
Gerbera Daisy
These daisies are native to the tropical regions of Africa, South America, and Asia. They come in bright yellow, orange, pink, white, or red shades, used as ornamental flowers.
The Gerbera daisies are the 5th most cut flowers in the entire world and last up to a week in the vase, making them popular for flower arrangements.
They have big blooms that are attractive to both butterflies and bees and loved by deer. If you plant them in a deer-infested area, you will need to put up a fence to protect them.
Indian Chrysanthemum Daisy
These daisies grow up to 24 inches tall and bloom from summer through fall. Its foliage is a healing tea used across the world since the olden days.
Purple Coneflower
These daisies are perennial ornamental flowers that love the sun just like other daisies. These flowers are native to North America and used for medicinal purposes by the native people.
Their bloom is a vibrant purple flower that is as popular as the black-eyed Susans.
Crazy Daisies
These are some of the showiest daisies cultivars you will ever get in the daisy family. They have a yellow and white bloom that is outstanding. Their flowers have multiple rows of long thin white petals that create an attractive bushy flower head. These flower heads look as stunning in the vases as they are in the garden, making them a favorite to many gardeners.
Golden Feverfew Daisies
Golden feverfew daisies are a popular variety that has classic white petals and yellow centers. They have oval petals in a single row fanning out in a ray around the golden yellow center. These low-growing, sun-loving daisies are perennials and a good choice for borders.
What does a daisy look like?
When you think of a daisy, you probably picture a small yellow flower with a single petal. But there are hundreds of different types of daisies around the world, and they come in many different colors and shapes. Each type of daisy has its own specific features that help it survive in its environment.
In this article, we’ll look at five of the most common types of daisies, how they’re related to each other, and what they can tell us about the history of life on Earth. Helianthus annuus, the common daisy, is the most widespread species of daisy in the world, found in all temperate regions.
Its flowers are large, showy, and come in a wide range of colors. Common Daisies were once native to both North America and Europe, but were largely displaced by more aggressive invaders from Asia, such as the sunflower.
Put simply, a daisy is a small flower that looks like a bunch of little yellow petals around a single center.
What flowers look like daisies?
A daisy looks quite a bit like a sunflower. It is very important to understand the difference between a daisy and a sunflower because they are not the same thing.
The difference is that a daisy has many petals, but a sunflower has one giant one. A sunflower’s flower head is called a capitulum. The word “daisy” means something similar to “little heads.” The word “sunflower” means something similar to “head of the sun.” I like to think of this as the difference between the big and the small. The big has more.
Daisies are very easy to tell apart from dandelions, which look similar and share many of the same characteristics.
Are daisies weeds?
Yes. But they're also part of the natural order. Daisies are part of a diverse and robust plant kingdom that includes grasses, ferns, sedges, and orchids. They're also part of the food chain: Insects, birds, and mammals eat them. They're part of the web of life. But daisies are not native to North America.
Why are they so popular?
The daisy has always been popular because it's a cheerful flower. It's easy to grow and easy to care for. It's a perennial flower that doesn't need deadheading.
Where does the word daisy come from?
Daisy, also known as the buttercup or garden daisy, is a common name for many types of plants in the genus Asteraceae. The word daisy derives from the Latin "daisius" (day's eye) and was originally used to refer to the eyes of insects.
The generic name Aster comes from the Greek word aster meaning "star" and refers to the star-shaped inflorescences of some species. The word "daisy" comes from the Old French "daimie" and refers to the shape of the flower head.
Are daisies common?
The daisy is one of the most commonly-seen wildflowers in the United States, and it's also one of the easiest wildflowers to identify. It's the perfect beginning wildflower identification guide for children and adults alike. There are over 400 different species of daisies that grow throughout North America, Central America, Europe and Asia.
What does a daisy look like?
When you think of a daisy, you probably picture a small yellow flower with a single petal. But there are hundreds of different types of daisies around the world, and they come in many different colors and shapes. Each type of daisy has its own specific features that help it survive in its environment.
In this article, we’ll look at five of the most common types of daisies, how they’re related to each other, and what they can tell us about the history of life on Earth. Helianthus annuus, the common daisy, is the most widespread species of daisy in the world, found in all temperate regions.
Its flowers are large, showy, and come in a wide range of colors. Common Daisies were once native to both North America and Europe, but were largely displaced by more aggressive invaders from Asia, such as the sunflower.
Put simply, a daisy is a small flower that looks like a bunch of little yellow petals around a single center.
What flowers look like daisies?
A daisy looks quite a bit like a sunflower. It is very important to understand the difference between a daisy and a sunflower because they are not the same thing.
The difference is that a daisy has many petals, but a sunflower has one giant one. A sunflower’s flower head is called a capitulum. The word “daisy” means something similar to “little heads.” The word “sunflower” means something similar to “head of the sun.” I like to think of this as the difference between the big and the small. The big has more.
Daisies are very easy to tell apart from dandelions, which look similar and share many of the same characteristics.
Are daisies weeds?
Yes. But they're also part of the natural order. Daisies are part of a diverse and robust plant kingdom that includes grasses, ferns, sedges, and orchids. They're also part of the food chain: Insects, birds, and mammals eat them. They're part of the web of life. But daisies are not native to North America.
Why are they so popular?
The daisy has always been popular because it's a cheerful flower. It's easy to grow and easy to care for. It's a perennial flower that doesn't need deadheading.
Where does the word daisy come from?
Daisy, also known as the buttercup or garden daisy, is a common name for many types of plants in the genus Asteraceae. The word daisy derives from the Latin "daisius" (day's eye) and was originally used to refer to the eyes of insects.
The generic name Aster comes from the Greek word aster meaning "star" and refers to the star-shaped inflorescences of some species. The word "daisy" comes from the Old French "daimie" and refers to the shape of the flower head.
Are daisies common?
The daisy is one of the most commonly-seen wildflowers in the United States, and it's also one of the easiest wildflowers to identify. It's the perfect beginning wildflower identification guide for children and adults alike. There are over 400 different species of daisies that grow throughout North America, Central America, Europe and Asia.
Next time you come across someone asking what daisies look like, give them a short answer as follows.
Daisies are a type of flowering plant that belongs to one of the most prominent plant families in the world. The most common type of daisy flowers that most people recognize are the common ones with white petals and a yellow center. Therefore, it is easy to identify most flowers in the daisy family due to their elegant petals and star shape.
The Asteraceae family that daisies belong is the largest and contains over 1,500 different plants. They are also related to plants like sunflowers, marigolds, asters, gerberas, zinnias, chrysanthemums.
That said, it’s best to try growing your daisies and enjoy the beautiful flowers that bloom every year.
Caroline is a gardener who loves to get down to the nitty–gritty of gardening. She proudly proclaims herself as a ‘dirt worshipper‘ and can often be found deep in the garden, covered in soil and singing to her plants. As a self–proclaimed ‘plant whisperer‘, Caroline believes that plants need love and attention just like any other living thing, and she loves to give them both. When she‘s not tending to her garden, you can often find her researching the latest gardening trends, or teaching others how to make their gardens thrive