Last Updated on January 19, 2023 by Urska
If you have your own vegetable garden and you planted pumpkins, you might be wondering when do pumpkins start to grow. To grow a fine pumpkin, you need to plant it at the right time and nurture it the right way. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a closer look at pumpkins, how to grow them, and their growth time!
When Should Pumpkins Start Growing?
Pumpkins can grow whenever you want them to, but they're generally a warm-season vegetable. If you want to plant them and have them fully-grown in time for Halloween, you should plant them in late May.
It takes about five months for a pumpkin to grow fully, barring any problems. You can also plant them later or earlier, but if you plant a pumpkin too early it won't live to see Halloween, and if you plant it too late it won't fully grow before Halloween!
If you live in a particularly hot climate, you can plant your pumpkins in late June and early July - pumpkin grow time is a bit shorter in warmer climates.
How To Plant a Pumpkin?
You should plant pumpkins under small hills. There should be at least 5 feet of space between every hill, and you should plant seeds an inch deep under the ground. Four or five seeds should be enough for one hill.
It's important to choose the position of your pumpkins carefully. These vegetables need a position that's warm and sunny with shelter from the wind and soil that retains moisture.
Some gardeners prefer to grow their pumpkins inside for a while before bringing them out. Because you can control the temperature of your inside garden, you can start growing them earlier in the year (March, April) if you need them for the summer.
How to Care for Pumpkins?
The number one thing you need to keep in mind is watering. Pumpkins are very thirsty vegetables that like to get plenty of water. Most experienced gardeners will use a hoe to dig a small ditch around the pumpkin itself and pour the water in that ditch. This is done to prevent rot, which can occur if the water sits around the neck of the plant for too long. Your pumpkin won't dry out if it faces hot and dry weather, though, as they have developed a great level of sun resistance.
It's also smart to feed your pumpkins with a liquid fertilizer that's rich in potassium once every two weeks.
Keeping your pumpkins safe from weeds is also important, and the best way to do this is by hoeing.
What Are Common Health Problems?
It's possible to find a mold growth reminiscent of a white powder on the leaves of your pumpkin. This is usually caused by powdery mildew - this disease can kill the leaves of your pumpkin. It's also possible to find insects, such as cucumber beetles and squash bugs attack vines and fruits on your pumpkins. The populations of these insects usually build up in late summer, so keep an eye out at that time.
How Long Does It Take for Pumpkins to Grow After Flowering?
Pollination is a step in the process of maturity of this vegetable, and it usually takes about 50 days for a pumpkin to become fully mature after pollination. This is the stage when the pumpkin starts growing rapidly and changing it color.
Some people wonder in what month do pumpkins turn orange, but there's no true answer to this question as it all depends on when you decide to plant them. Most classic pumpkins will keep changing their color until they reach that characteristic orange color, but different varieties have different colors. This is also an indicator that the pumpkin is ready to be harvested.
When to Harvest a Pumpkin?
The classic orange coloration is usually a clear sign that the pumpkin is ready for the harvest. Another sign is the rind of the pumpkin being distinctively hard. Most gardeners recommend that you harvest your pumpkins in late September.
To harvest the pumpkins, first make sure to wear gloves. Although not all of them, some pumpkin varieties develop little pricks on their stems which are painful to grab. Use pruning shears when you're cutting the vine off and make sure to leave about 4 inches of the stem attaches to the pumpkin.
When it comes to storing, you can keep the pumpkins out in the sun for a week, but you should later store them in a place with good ventilation and a temperature in the 55 degree Fahrenheit radius.
Growing Large Pumpkins
You’ve surely heard of pumpkin competitions. In these competitions, gardeners compete as to who will grow the largest and the most beautiful pumpkins. To grow one of those, you’re going to have to purchase a seed of one of the jumbo varieties. With these pumpkins, insect control and fertilization are absolutely crucial.
These varieties of pumpkin are known as quick developers, so their vines grow at an impressive rate. When caring for this pumpkin, stop the vine from rooting down at the joints adjacent to the developing fruit. If you don’t react quickly enough, the pumpkin might break from the vine.
Horticultural Oil Concentrate Insecticide/Pesticide Treatment for Control of Insects
When you’re preparing for a competition, make sure to fertilize your pumpkin. Remember that these are essentially giants, and they need the best of care if you’re to achieve a result.
In summation, if you’re wondering when do pumpkins start to grow or how often should pumpkins be watered, remember that you’re the one who decides when to plant these vegetables. They usually take about 5 months to grow fully, but you can have an effect on that. It’s also important to remember that you have to water these vegetables constantly and harvest them once they achieve their classic orange color. Pumpkins are generally healthy plants that don’t suffer from many pests or diseases. You might have some trouble with cucumber beetles, but that’s about it.